Joe Vesey-Byrne
Nov 15, 2016

Carl Court/Getty Images
On Monday Theresa May condemned 'global elites' at the Lord Mayor's banquet. A banquet. Held by a LORD mayor.
The annual banquet is always bling-tastic, and the formal attire expected of guests has put many a former prime minister in trouble with the press.
Picture: (Oli Scarff/Getty Images)
Addressing the 689th Lord Mayor of London, a position which has existed since 1189, the 55th prime minister blamed globalisation for Brexit's victory and that of president-elect Donald Trump.
She argued that although liberalism and globalisation had improved the world, they had 'left too many people behind'.
These people -
(Always a sign you're definetely not in the global elite when you use that form of words).
These people – often those on modest to low incomes living in rich countries like our own – see their jobs being outsourced and wages undercut. They see their communities changing around them and don’t remember agreeing to that change.
They see the emergence of a new global elite who sometimes seem to play by a different set of rules and whose lives are far removed from their everyday existence...
Just a few golden thrones. But not as many as Donald Trump's family.
There is some ermine. And a tiara in shot. And a lot of white tie.
The Lord Mayor of the City of London is an honorary position, and within the confines of the City of London Corporation (essentially 'the City', the main banking district in the capital) they are accorded precedence over all individuals except the sovereign.
The Corporation has arcane election laws, unreformed by 19th century legislation, and as of 2009 the number of votes in municipal elections that could be cast by businesses outweighed the number of residents.
Maybe this is an unfair or misleading representation of the audience who definetely aren't global elites.
One could argue that May's team did understand the irony of addressing the Lord Mayor's banquet, or even that she was speaking truth to power.
If so, power didn't look that interested.
May concluded by calling on government, and the asssembled sherriffs, bishops, lords, ladies, and alderman to help combine the positives of globalisation, while doing more to look after those who had been left behind.
So I stand here confident that in facing these new challenges, once again, Britain can lead.
That together, we can shape a new approach to globalisation to enhance the prosperity of not just some of our citizens, but all of our citizens.
That together, by meeting this national moment with a truly national effort, we unite our whole country by making the UK a country that works for everyone.
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