Bridie Pearson-Jones
Apr 22, 2017

Leon Neal/Getty Images
It looks like this year's general election will be won not by flashy campaigns, easily Photoshopped posters or party political broadcasts - there's a much more sinister tactic being employed.
Instead of actual policy promises that she'll have to deliver on if she's re-elected on June 8th - it would appear Theresa May is simply boring the country into submission.
During a campaign trip to a toothpaste factory in her constituency of Maidenhead, Theresa May gave a heavily-managed series of soundbites to the GlaxoSmithKline employees according to Business Insider.
And the employees looked... Well, bored out of their minds:
Oh God... Make it stop.
How many days until 8 June?
It's just all too much.
The few in the audience that managed to stay awake, or were actually listening, heard the PM say that a Tory victory was "not certain" and repeated the phrase "strong and stable leadership" six times.
This is allegedly part of a new technique from 'master of the dark arts' Lynton Crosby who is running the Conservative campaign.
The Tories alleged goal is to scare people into voting by getting voters to think she could lose.
More: Theresa May visited a school in Copeland today and it really didn't go well
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