Evan Bartlett
Jun 09, 2015

A towel recently went up for sale on Amazon for 796 billion dollars. While that may seem pricey, at least it is 100 per cent cotton and "functional".
After reading this list of the most pointless things anyone has ever created, you might even think a trillion dollars is good value:
1. Pre-peeled bananas in plastic wrappers
Because natural banana skins don't work?
2. Pet rock
Yes, this is literally a rock in a box. "Designed" by advertising executive Gary Dahl in the 1970s and marketed like a real pet, these rocks sold in their thousands in the US. Paying just a penny for each stone and including a tongue-in-cheek training manual, Dahl sold the Pet Rocks for $4 each and made himself a millionaire along the way.
3. The ropeless skipping rope
4. I Am Rich app
This app was available on the iTunes store for £599. It was of no practical use whatsoever and merely served to demonstrate that the phone's owner was wealthy enough to waste their money it. It was removed from the App Store after just one day.
5. Goldfish walker
"I was looking at my goldfish [Malcolm and Ethel] going round in circles in their bowl looking bored silly so I made this to take them out and about and they love it," explained Huddersfield metal worker Mick Madden.
6. Gold pills
For $425, these gold pills will "turn your innermost parts into chambers of wealth" and make your excrement glittery.
7. The most annoying box in the world
8. Rear Gear
According to the product's description on Etsy, Rear Gear offers "a cheerful solution to be-rid your favourite pet’s un-manicured back side".
9. Shoe umbrellas
An invention from the Japanese market, these "chindogu" shoe umbrellas are designed to keep your feet dry in the rain but might prove slightly tricky in high winds.
10. The Daddle
These poor dads.
11. The ctrl+alt+del wand
Rebooting your operating system like a boss since 1994.
12. Treadmill bicycle
Did we miss out any pointless inventions? Let us know in the comments...
More: Amazon is selling a towel for a trillion dollars and the reviews are priceless
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