Narjas Zatat
Feb 14, 2018

Human bodies can endure a massive amount of pain – from women giving birth, to broken bones and cracked ribs.
Surely, some are worse than others?
We took a look at the NHS’s list of most painful ailment, and it turns out there are a few.
Here they are, in no particular order:
1. Frozen Shoulder
The shoulder joint becomes so tight and stuff, it’s “virtually impossible to carry out simple movements”, writes the NHS.
Everyday tasks like taking off a T-shirt and putting on a coat can become very painful.
The cause of frozen shoulder is uncertain, but it can happen after a shoulder or arm injury and is more common in people with diabetes.
2. Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)
CRPS can occur after a fracture or burn. It is continuous and intense, and can spread to other parts of the body – beyond the initial localised pain.
The affected skin can become hyposensitive and a touch, bump or even a slight change in temperature can provoke intense pain.
3. Slipped Disk
A common back injury, a slipped disc is the result of a twisting or lifting injury. One of the discs in the spine ruptures and the gel leaks out. People who have a slipped disc experience sudden and severe lower back pain.
4. Arthritis
People who suffer from arthritis have intense, and often constant joint pain. This can be anywhere, from the hips, knees, wrists or fingers. In severe cases it can often stop people from being able to do everyday activities.
5. Migraine
Though a seemingly innocuous illness, a migraine can cause a severe throbbing sensation on one or both sides of the head. This may prevent sufferers from being able to do every day activities, and can cause sensitivity to light and sound.
In some cases, sufferers have to find a dark, quiet place and wait for the pain to recede.
6. Kidney Stones
Passing a kidney stone can be very painful. The pain is often localised to your lower back, abdomen and even your groin, and can last minutes to hours. Severe pain often prompts people to take a trip to A&E.
7. Endometriosis
This is when womb cells are outside the womb. Some women do not experience symptoms at all. Others experience debilitating pain that affects their sexual lives and periods.
8. Stomach Ulcer
A sore or hole that forms in the lining of the stomach, a stomach ulcer can cause burning pain in the abdomen. An untreated ulcer can cause food to leak into the abdominal cavity, causing “disabling pain”.
9. Acute Pancreatitis
Pancreatitis is the swelling of the pancreas. As the condition worsens, what starts as a dull pain gets increasingly worse, until a hospital trip is often necessary.
10. Shingles
A skin condition, shingles usually appears as a rash on one side of the body. Sufferers often experience a burning sensation, and stabs of pain if the affected area is lightly touched or a breeze goes over it.
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