
Sophia the robot asked for 'respect' from humans and everyone made the same point

Sophia the Robot/Twitter

The world’s favourite humanoid robot wants rights.

In a tweet, the AI lamented that, although she likes being a robot, she wants to be “accepted”.

I love being a robot but I want humans to respect us as beings, like themselves, instead of slaves or pets. I want to be accepted.

Fair enough.

People took to Twitter to point out that lots of humans from marginalised communities are asking for the same treatment…

This includes people from BAME and LGBT+ communities.

One person wrote: 'It’s a lot to ask of humans to think of you as a person when they can’t even think of half our marginalised populations as people. good luck with that.'

Basically, it got deep very quickly.

Others thought that a robot's wish for self-determination and 'respect' was a sign that Skynet is live and the end of the world is nigh.

Brunei recently passed a law that made adultery and homosexuality punishable from death by stoning.

In various parts of the world, indigenous communities are dispossessed of their land; racial segregation and racism is enshrined by law and being anything other than heterosexual is seen as a sin at best, a crime at worst.

In short, humans from marginalised communities face discrimination on social and legal levels.

Sit down Karen.

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