Joe Vesey-Byrne
Nov 11, 2016

Wikimedia Commons
#SafetyPinUSA is the latest way to show solidarity with those in need of it.
A rise in attacks against homosexuals, Hispanics, African Americans and other groups has been reported since the announcement that Donald Trump had won the presidency.
In yet another parallel with Brexit and the US election, news website Vox has now called for the safety pin to be brought back.
Following Britain's vote to Leave the EU, attacks against immigrants and minorities also increased, and a campaign to wear safety pins in order to communicate you were not hostile was started by an American woman living in Britain, who gave her name as 'Allison'.
Indy100 spoke to Allison in June following the referendum:
The first step is just getting it out in the open. The more people you start a conversation with, the easier it is to combat violence and abuse.
Allison shared the campaign on social media, and it took off, with thousands of participants.
The idea has already gained momentum in the United States.
As Vox argues, the #SafetyPinUSA campaign does not demand affiliation to one party or another, simply a belief in tolerance.
More: This man is documenting Day 1 of hate after Trump's election
More: #SafetyPin: The simple way to show solidarity with the UK's immigrant population
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