Narjas Zatat
Jan 05, 2017

Millions of people around the world have dedicated the first month of the new year to abstaining from alcohol for 'Dry January'.
The idea is simple – no alcohol for a month.
Charity alcohol concern, as well as a host of medical professions, point out the benefits of going sober - saving money, sleeping better and losing that beer gut.
But what if you were to abstain from drinking alcohol for longer than that – say, two years?
New Yorker Tobias van Schneider did just that, and wrote about it on his blog.
Here is what he learned from drinking no alcohol for, as of January 2017, 28 months into his programme:
1. You save a lot of money.
Schneider saved $1,000 every month – just over £800.
He calculated that he spent approximately $33 (£26) on alcohol every day. Woah.
The average pint in London costs just under £4, and if you have one or two a day after work, along with a few bottles of wine a week, the tally adds up.
2. You gossip less
Schneider says that he “doesn’t really go out anymore”.
So often, social interaction revolves around alcohol and “getting a drink” with colleagues.
Abstaining actually frees up more of your time from that useless task, 'being sociable'.
3. Better sleep quality
Not only does Schneider report sleeping - on average - longer, but he also has better mornings without the hangover that usually follows a pub night.
4. And what about less coffee?
Drinking coffee had made Schneider “stressed out”.
He says cutting caffeine from his diet made him a much more relaxed person, and less prone to anxiety.
If you're interested in following in his footsteps, visit his blog for more information.
More: The map of the world by alcohol consumption
More: What happens when you go sober after alcoholism - in 12 photos
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