Bethan McKernan
Jun 22, 2016

Last week India and much of the rest of the world was seemingly gripped by "armpitgate": the debate over whether actor Priyanka Chopra's underarm skin had been Photoshopped to silky smooth perfection on the cover of Maxim magazine.
The photo sparked the usual outcry over body image and unrealistic beauty standards - particularly for women.
Now the Bollywood star herself has added fuel to the fire by tweeting a #nofilter picture of herself on Tuesday with her arms behind her head, pits exposed to the world.
"Here's another 'pit-stopping' picture to add to the debate. #WillTheRealArmpitPleaseStandUp #nofilter #armpitdiaries", PeeCee wrote:
The message here appears to be Chopra doesn't give a damn what you think about her armpits, Photoshopped or not.
Good for her.
More: People are talking about Priyanka Chopra's armpits on the cover of Maxim and we can see why
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