James Besanvalle
Feb 18, 2020

God himself is at the mercy of President Donald Trump, if a new and wholly terrifying placard is to be believed.
Proudly displayed in the front yard of a Trump supporter’s house, the sign reads:
Because Trump is, of course, superior to God – an eternal being, who millions of people around the world believe created the whole universe.
Makes sense.
Understandably, the responses to the placard have been both confusion and astoundment, if not because the sign violates the first of the 10 Commandments:
Thou shall have no other gods before me.
Cue bewilderment:
And then God himself chimed in with this searing hot-take:
No word yet from Donald Trump in response to the placard, but judging by his tweet history, we wouldn’t be surprised if he gave it a cheeky RT.
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