
Pink sent Eminem a drunk 'love letter' email. He sent a one word reply

How do music artists decide to collaborate?

Fans must often wonder how a "feat. xxxxx" credit comes to be - do the musicians text or go for drinks to agree terms?

Or is it done through managing agents and handlers and labels?

Pink shed some light on the process when talking to Entertainment Weekly.

She said, about contacting Eminem for her LP Beautiful Trauma:

I sneak-attacked him.

Max and I started making Revenge, and I wrote this rap. We were drinking a lot of wine, and then I went home and I thought more wine would be a good idea.

I emailed him.

This is why they call it liquid courage.

And I said, ‘You know I love you. I like that you work with a lot of the same people, like Rihanna. She’s hotter than me, but I’m funnier.

So I’m going for a rap Grammy, and I’d like to take you along with me.’

It was this long email, and he wrote back right away and just said, ‘Okay.'

Eminem was in Rio de Janeiro at the time and sent back the finished track four days later.

She replied:

I emailed him again, I was like, ‘This is the best thing I’ve ever heard! I want to tackle you and rub your face in the dirt!'

He replied again:


It sounds like he's a man of few words, when he's not going after Donald Trump.

HT Her.ie

More: Eminem looks like Mariah Carey when she dressed up as him in the Obsessed video

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