Joe Vesey-Byrne
Sep 06, 2017

Instagram user PilotGanso shares some amazing images from the cockpit of his Boeing 737-80.
For the past two years the Brazilian pilot has been sharing truly some beautiful images of his jet setter life.
They are stunning, and for those afraid of heights or flying, slightly stomach churning.
The stunts have attracted almost 50,000 followers on Instagram.
Excuse us sir, the seatbelt sign is on right now. Please return to your seat.
Instagram users commenting on the latest post were quick to call it out as fake, as were some posters to the forum FlyerTalk.
Ship ascending northbound from nowhere. Direction of shade not matching those of houses. Winglet color (inward) not matching Fly Dubai scheme.
Definitively a fake.
This user felt the need to write that, even though the forum title called the photo fake, and PilotGanso has captioned many of his previous images with references to their being edited.
Or this one, where there's no possible way a human could have sat on the nose of the plane to take the picture.
Not all his posts are quite as calamitous.
But others show off his flare for creating a great visual.
PilotGanso is not a prolific user of Instagram, so we will have to wait to see his next masterpiece.
HT The Sun
More: A 31-year-old blonde pilot is becoming an Instagram star
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