Greg Evans
Feb 04, 2018

iStock/Getty Images/Twitter
Supposed 'no-go areas' have been part of the far-right vocabulary for quite some time now.
Two years ago Britain First claimed that certain areas of London, Luton and Derby are now so heavily controlled by Muslim Sharia Law that no one who is not a member of their faith, not even the police, were allowed to enter them.
The subject has been in the news again in recent months thanks to the American ambassador for the Netherlands claiming that there are 'no-go areas' in the European country.
In an attempt to challenge the perceptions held by the likes of Britain First and other far-right groups, security specialist Dan Kaszeta decided to document his visit to a no-go zone in East London - Tower Hamlets.
His trip was quite eye-opening.
Amazingly, Dan's trip ended without incident.
Taking a leaf from his book was writer Mike Stuchbery, who braved the streets of Bury Park, Luton, which is another 'no-go zone'.
Let's see how he got on.
No incident there either. Who'd have thought it?
Other Twitter users have complimented these courageous men on their attempts to negotiate these hostile areas.
However, Paul Joseph Watson, a well known far-right figure wasn't convinced by their evidence.
More: Anti-Muslim group mistook bus seats for burqas and got absolutely destroyed online
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