Science & Tech
Bethan McKernan
May 20, 2015

This post is slightly NSFW.
Meet, Luna Winters.
The Londoner is challenging Facebook’s rules about female nudity, as well as its definitions of gender.
Luna identifies as a woman, but since she hasn't undergone gender reassignment sugery, she is legally still a man.
She said she posted topless photos on Facebook which were subsequently taken down, even when the site agreed that the photos didn't violate its ban on female nipples (before you ask, there is no such ban on male nipples).
Facebook now appears to be unsure what to do about the matter, since some of the images - reposted hundreds of times by people in Luna’s network - remain up, but some have been taken down.
Speaking to, Luna said:
I think for me this shows that they aren’t thinking about how gender isn’t just two boxes that you tick. It’s a spectrum, and you should be allowed to express yourself how you want.
There are definitely men with bigger tits than women on Facebook. Being transgender I found this weird little loophole that proves how archaic the rule is.
The #freethenipple campaign first emerged as a protest against womens’ chests being only regarded as sexual objects, in a way that men’s aren’t - as evidenced by Facebook, Instagram and other social media sites’ policies on nudity.
Facebook’s community guidelines, updated in March, state: "We restrict some images of female breasts if they include the nipple.” Breastfeeding or breasts with post-mastectomy scarring are now OK - but there still can’t be any nipples on show.
“This is about the movement towards equality,” Luna said. “What happened with my posts clearly shows that they’re judging by what they assume is in your pants.
“I’d like to do a photoshoot next - a lot of transpeople, pre and post op, all standing there with our birth certificates. Do you think that would prove the point?”
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