Science & Tech
Louis Dor
Jun 08, 2016

Picture: Louis Doré/CartoDB
The controversial Investigatory Powers Bill, also known as the "Snoopers' Charter" has been passed by a majority of MPs.
The government was supported by 166 Labour MPs to secure a victory of 444-69. The SNP voted against it on privacy and civil rights grounds.
Conservative MP Daniel Kawczynski abstained, while 61 did not vote.
You can see whether your MP voted for or against the bill in the interactive map, below:
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The bill was criticised by Labour and the SNP for the bulk surveillance powers it permitted, and was supported by Labour only after "significant demands" were met.
Keir Starmer said:
We made those demands, we stuck by them, and in fairness the government has responded on them in the right spirit in relation to the ones we know about.
An SNP spokeperson expressed that the party welcomed the fact that an independent study of bulk powers would be carried out, but added:
We remain concerned about the legality of some of the powers that are still on the face of this bill and the fact that they very significantly exceed what was on or what is authorised in other Western democracies, for example, the retention of Internet Connection Records.
The bill now proceeds to the House of Lords for a final reading, normally a formality, before it becomes law.
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