Louis Staples
Oct 28, 2018
Each year when people celebrate Halloween, problematic costumes are a depressingly regular feature.
This year, a dad has said he regrets dressing himself and his son in Nazi costumes.
A picture of Bryant Goldbach and his son was posted online and has been sparking outrage, with the father dressed as a Nazi and his son as Adolf Hitler.
Goldbach says he originally did it for historical purposes but now acknowledges the costume was in poor taste.
He said:
I think it was in bad taste for me to let my child to wear that, probably for me to wear that. It didn't occur to me. I thought it was a bad decision on my part.
One social media user said:
With all the hate in the world, it's bringing out more hate from the past. It's showing things that shouldn't be, not necessarily brought up, but romanticised.
The costume comes after prominent Rabbi Gary Mazo warned people of the dangers of dressing up as holocaust-inspired costumes. He thinks if you’re worried you’ll cause offence, it’s best to choose a different costume.
A good rule of thumb would be: if your costume calls to mind an event where millions were killed, choose another costume.Â
If the purpose of Halloween is to have fun - bigotry, anti-Semitism and racism are not fun. That should be common sense.
H/T: Tristate
More: Drag Queen breaks hand punching a Nazi attacker

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