Sirena Bergman
Feb 24, 2020

Kim Kardashian just can't help herself, can she?
Once again, she's found herself in the middle of controversy surrounding her inability to learn from previous cultural appropriation rows.
Last week, she uploaded an Instagram Stories of her "daily make-up routine", including the bit where she puts mkae-up on her hands to make them appear darker than they are.
In the picture, her hands look like they might after applying fake tan, but she used her own make-up (which is apparently waterproof instead) to make herself several shades darker, and people have thoughts.
What's the problem?
Obviously lots of people fake tan and it's not necessarily problematic, but there is a line between making oneself look like you just got back from a beach holiday, and ending up appearing like you're of a difference race.
People have pointed out that Kardashian has a history of cultural appropriation and blackfishing, and therefore such posts should be juded within the context of her previous actions.
As a side note, people aren't into even their hands being body-shamed by Kardashian either.
What is blackfishing?
Blackfishing is a term used to describe white people who use make-up and cosmetic precedures to make themselves look like they are racially ambiguous, often in an attempt to cash in on some level of kudos they perceive being black will give them. Essentially, it's an ampted up version of cultural appropriation which is disturbingly common within the influencer community.
Kim Kardashian (as well as celebrities such as Ariana Grande) has in the past been accused of displaying such behaviour.
It's problematic because white people have the privilege of existing within a society which was literally created to benefit them, so taking elements of an oppressed culture in order to reap their benefits without having to endure any of the marginalisation attached to them is entirely dismissive of the real impact of racial inequality.
Should we cancel Kim Kardashian?
I mean yes, probably. She seems to have a bit of an issue with this sort of thing... Lets not forget the great kimono debacle and the inexplicably problematic braids. Then there's also the whole promoting dubious weight-loss products to a (probably largely young and impressionable fanbase).
Is the latest iteration of her bizarre behaviour the one to get her finally cancelled? Unlikely, but one can always dream.
MORE:Kim Kardashian has posted a video of her giant fridge and it's absolutely absurd
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