Lowenna Waters
Jan 09, 2019
Did you hear that? Yes, that was the nation breathing a collective sigh of relief to the news that Kate Bush has revealed she's not a Tory voter.
In a statement issued to her website on Tuesday, the musician made it clear that she doesn't support the Conservative party, two years after causing uproar after an interview with Canadian magazine Maclean’s seemed to suggest she supported Theresa May.
In the original interview, answering a question about Hillary Clinton and the 'fear of women's power', she said:
We have a female prime minister here in the UK. I actually really like her and think she’s wonderful. I think it’s the best thing that’s happened to us in a long time. She’s a very intelligent woman but I don’t see much to fear.
I will say it is great to have a woman in charge of the country. She’s very sensible and I think that’s a good thing at this point in time.
After the quotes resurfaced in articles about her recently remastered back catalogue, she realised she needed to set the record straight.
Writing on her website, she said that the quotes from the original interview had been taken out of context, and that "the interview from 2016 could make it seem like I'm a Tory supporter, which I want to make clear I am not".
She continued:
My response to the interviewer was not meant to be political but rather was in the defence of women in power.
I felt he was putting a really negative slant on powerful women, referring to a witch hunt involving Hillary Clinton.
In response I said that we had a woman in charge of our country, and that I felt it was a good thing to have women in power.
I should have been clearer when I then said it was the best thing that had happened to us for a long time – because I greatly disliked the behaviour of the previous PM, who at that point I felt had abandoned us and everybody felt angry and let down.
Our reaction?
Many people on the internet were quick to share their joy.
More: Kate Bush just made chart history
More: Tory MPs have been taking pictures of themselves at foodbanks – and everyone made the same point

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