Greg Evans
Nov 06, 2018

We all know that Kanye West's behaviour has been unusual for most of 2018 and he has definitely ruffled far too many feathers.
Yet, even in his wildest dreams he probably never thought he would be trolled by a major fast food chain.
That's what happened to the world famous rapper on Monday after boldly stated that McDonald's was his favourite restaurant on Twitter.
There didn't seem to be any reason for this tweet from Mr. West other than just another random Kanye tweet to add to the growing collection.
Although McDonald's didn't respond to Kanye's declaration, someone working of the Burger King social media team did and they well and truly roasted the man otherwise known as 'Ye.'
This would appear to be a reference to Kanye distancing himself from politics when he said that his eyes are "wide open and now realise I've been used to spread messages I don't believe in."
Burger King wasn't done there. Someone from the Burger King UK Twitter account laid into Kanye with an equally brutal put-down.
Both these tweets soon went viral and people thought it was hilarious.
However, there is a chance that Kanye is a fan of Burger King, or at least his wife.
According to reports from 2014, Kanye apparently brought Kim Kardashian, 10 branches of Burger King in Europe as a wedding gift.
If that story is true, someone at Burger King HQ has made a whopper of a mistake.
More: Kanye West gave free Yeezys away to Ugandan kids - but he's facing criticism for it​

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