You don't need us to tell you that Brexit is a complete and utter shambles and that, barring only a handful of politicians, nobody has come out of this looking favourably.
However, John Bercow, the Commons speaker, has become something of an icon thanks to his thunderous cries, which have probably ruptured more than a fair share of eardrums across the country.
His various bellows of "order" and "Jeremy Corbyn" have gone viral during the past few months and he's virtually become its own meme, which is far from the weirdest thing that has ever happened during the entire Brexit debacle.
These sadly will be coming to an end quite soon after he today announced that he will be stepping down from the position on October 31 if MPs do not vote for a general election on Monday evening.
Should MPs vote for a general election, he will leave his position upon the suspension of parliament, which is due to happen on Monday with the Commons due to reconvene on October 14.
So with this news in light, here are 14 of the best John Bercow cries that have given us a right good chuckle.
1. "Orderrrrr..."
2. Bambos Charalambos.
3. Jeremy Corbynnn...
4. Jeremy Corbynn... but descending.
5. Jeremy Corbynnn... but set to a tune.
6. Peter Bone.
7. "Unlock."
8. Thangam Debbonaire.
9. 2 Unlimited.
10. Rejecting anymore 'meaningful votes' from Theresa May.
11. "Division" 1.
12. "Division" 2.
13. "Division" 3.
14. "Orderrrr"... but set to some sort of deep house track from the late 90s.
HT The Poke
More: This Brexit joke should end any complaints about John Bercow blocking another vote on May's deal