Josh Withey
Feb 03, 2017

Harry Potter author J K Rowling has been proving once again why she is the queen of Twitter.
She's earned a reputation for being a stellar tweeter over the years; after taking down trolls, tweeting messages of hope and slapping down Vice Presidents.
However the author seems to be attracting a slightly more vicious crowd than usual.
After speaking openly and honestly about what she perceives to be a worrying situation in America, Rowling was inundated with negativity and threats of book burnings.
One user tweeted that they were planning on burning their DVDs too.
J K replied:
Well, the fumes from the DVDs might be toxic and I've still got your money, so by all means borrow my lighter.
They weren't the only one though - there were some genuinely worrying tweets, featuring people who appeared to be losing the plot. (sorry)
We don't need to remind where and when some of the most famous book burnings took place...
All the trolls seem to be coming out of the woodwork at the moment, and J K is artfully putting them in their respective places.
One, 'interesting' user decided to say:
Rowling, keep your nose in the UK... You buttsniffing [sp] welfar queen
To wit, J K replied:
I think he's got a crush on me.
She's taking dealing with trolls to a whole new level in fact.
Keep is classy J K. Keep it classy.
More: J K Rowling took on Mike Pence and proved once again that she is queen of Twitter
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