Joe Vesey-Byrne
Nov 18, 2016

Christoph Hoefs Foodstyling/YouTube
Germans keep saying English swear words without realising their relative strength.
The English language is one of these Islands' most successful exports. Approximately 1.5bn people worldwide speak English, and of those, only 375 million are native speakers.
Anglophonic swear words come part and parcel with the language of Shakespeare.
In Germany, English profanities have become rather popular, but the knowledge of their relative strength has not made it across the North Sea.
This has resulted in several amusing instances of inappropriately strong swear words being used in German media, and by Germans appearing on English language television.
Sky News had to apologise when this German man said 'sh*t storm' live on air.
The word has become so popular in recent years that it was added to Duden, the German language equivalent of the Oxford English Dictionary.
Now, imagine if Transport for London ran a series of adverts saying 'Don't f*** with us'.
That's basically what happened in Berlin, when the city's transport company which manages the buses, metro system and and trams posted this advert.
The caption was a reference to the presence of the Wu Tang Clan in the city that day, and read:
U-Bahn-Clan ain’t nothing to f*** with.
In 2012, Unilever launched an advertising campaign for food that appeared in Germany, using the English slogan:
F*** the diet.
It was part of the company's 'Du darfst' ('You're allowed') campaign.
The slogan was changed after the corporation received complaints from the public.
HT The Local
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