Narjas T. Zatat
Mar 02, 2016

Remember when Donald Trump couldn't tell the difference between his own words and those of a fascist dictator?
Well, it seems his followers can't tell the difference, either.
SoFlo, a US YouTube channel dedicated to pulling pranks and awkward social experiments, hit the streets to find some Trump supporters and read out some famous quotes to them.
Except it wasn't Donald Trump they quoted. It was Adolf Hitler...
Trump fan:
There's a lot of people that should be sterilised according to Donald Trump so sure.
Trump fan:
You look at the Democratic party and they prove that. That's why I'm voting for Trump.
The second Trump supporter had a little trouble with this one, but after a clarification - 'fortunate' means 'how good' for the governments, she understood completely.
He's got the world by the balls right now. I mean, he has a lot of money, he's very influential because of his money and what he's done with, like, you know his empire.
Trump fan:
Yeah, I mean as soon as our economic situation starts improving, we don't have to be worried about the immigrants anymore. They'll go away.
Sound logic.
Trump fan:
Wow. Well I think that, you know, he's going to lie in like any way probably to, like, support the country, to keep the country going. They'll be good lies.
This Trump supporter basically said it's ok for politicians to tell lies. Because it's good for the country.
Rest assured though, because when they were told the words actually belonged to Hitler, perpetrator of mass genocide, they recoiled in horror, right?
Do you support these quotes?
Trump fan:
Well if Donald Trump said them I would support them...
The Facebook post has gained almost 400,000 shares, and responses ranged from amused...
Your stupidity has officially gone to another degree.
I love the guy's logic, I do not support Hitler. However, if Donald Trump said all those things I will support them! Haha. Idiot! downright terrified.
I'm moving to Canada.
Here's the video in its entirety, and we can only hope that this is a joke so the world can make sense again:
More: This is what Donald Trump would do on his first day in office
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