Narjas Zatat
Feb 04, 2018

A love of cheese can transcend to even vegans, it appears.
A French woman from the region of Lorraine has launched her own vegan Camembert.
Anne Guth owns Les Petits Veganne, a business that offers a multitude of cheeses for the vegan cheese connoisseur in France.
Now, she has made a dairy-free version of Camembert, made with cashew nut 'milk'.
The 'cheese' is not technically made from milk so it cannot be advertised as cheese. So, Guth calls it a 'vegetable speciality' instead.
The 28-year-old told The Telegraph:
The most difficult thing was to create vegan ‘cheeses’ that appear visually beautiful.
So how did it fair under expert scrutiny?
Franceinfo radio and TV organised a blind tasting, which was attended by Clément Maudet, a Parisian cheesemonger, who described it as:
There’s no animal smell at all. The texture is strange. It’s a little like a mousse. It’s a very mild product, but the rind has a bit of an unpleasant, bitter aftertaste.
Out of the members of the public invited to try the ' cheese', one called it “not unpleasant”, another called it “surprisingly good” and a third said it was “not good at all”.
Saying this, the Camembert is sold out on the website, so vegans must be all for it – despite the hefty €10.90 (£9.60) price tag.
H/T The Telegraph
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