On Monday, Google and Facebook announced measures to ban fake news websites from using their advertising networks.
Previous attempts by Google AdSense and Facebook Audience Network saw the companies ban sites that "misrepresent, misstate or conceal information".
However the proliferation of fake news during the US elections, some argued, swayed votes towards Donald Trump and prompted the social media platform and giant search engine into changing their policies.
An unofficial task force of Facebook employees has reportedly taken it upon themselves to examine the company’s role in promoting these fake websites during the election.
Melissa Zimdars, assistant professor of Media and Communications at Merrimack College collected all the websites she could find which she deemed "false, misleading, clickbait-y, and/or satirical “news” sources".
While acknowledging the "important critical commentary" satirical sites can offer, Zimdars nonetheless feared they had the potential to perpetuate misinformation if misinterpreted. We have chosen to remove her list of satirical sites because what they publish is deliberately tongue--in-cheek.
Here are the sites Zimdars says publish fake news:
- 100PercentFedUp.com
- EnduringVision.com
- PakAlertPress.com
- 21stCenturyWire.com
- FPRNradio.com
- PoliticalBlindSpot.com
- 70news.wordpress.com
- The Free Thought Project
- PoliticalEars.com
- Abcnews.com.co
- GeoEngineeringWatch.org
- Politicalo
- ActivistPost.com
- PoliticusUSA
- Addicting Info
- GovtSlaves.info
- PrisonPlanet.com
- AmericanNews.com
- GulagBound.com
- PrisonPlanet.tv
- AnonNews.co
- HangTheBankers.com
- Associated Media Coverage
- HumansAreFree.com
- ProjectVeritas
- BeforeItsNews.com
- Being Liberal
- IfYouOnlyNews
- React 365
- BigAmericanNews.com
- Indecision Forever
- RealFarmacy.com
- BigPZone.com
- IJR (Independent Journal Review)
- Bipartisan Report
- InfoWars
- RedFlagNews.com
- BizPac Review
- Infowars.com
- Red State (3)
- Blue Nation Review
- IntelliHub.com
- Breitbart
- Inquisitor.com
- JonesReport.com
- Satira Tribune
- LewRockwell.com
- Chronicle.su
- Liberal America
- The Blaze
- CivicTribune.com
- LibertyTalk.fm
- The Free Thought Project
- LibertyUnyielding
- CoastToCoastAM.com
- LibertyVideos.org
- CollectiveEvolution
- LMR/LibertyMovementRadio.com
- The Other 98%
- ConsciousLifeNews.com
- MediaMass.net
- The Reporterz
- ConservativeOutfitters.com
- MegynKelly.us
- The Stately Harold
- ConspiracyWire (WideAwakeAmerica.com)
- MSNBC.com.co
- TheDailySheeple.com
- CountdownToZeroTime.com
- MSNBC.website
- TheNewsNerd.com
- CounterPsyOps.com
- TheRunDownLive.com
- National Report
- TheUsPatriot.com
- CreamBMP.com
- NationalReport.net
- TruthFrequencyRadio.com
- DailyBuzzLive.com
- NaturalNews.com
- Twitchy.com
- DailyCurrant.com
- NC Scooper
- UnconfirmedSources.com
- NCT (New Century Times)
- Daily Wire
- News Examiner
- USA Supreme
- DCClothesLine.com
- News-Hound.com
- US.Blasting.News
- DCGazette.com
- NewsBiscuit.com
- US Uncut
- DerfMagazine.com
- VeteransToday.com
- Disclose.tv
- DrudgeReport.com.co
- Newswatch 28
- WakingUpWisconsin.com
- Newswatch 33
- Winning Democrats
- DuhProgressive.com
- NewsWire-24.com
- WitScience.org
- Embols.com
- NoDisInfo.com
- World Net Daily
- Empire Herald
- Now8News
- Empire News
- NowTheEndBegins.com
- WorldTruth.tv
- EmpireNews.com
- Occupy Democrats
- ZeroHedge
- Endingthefed.com