Bridie Pearson-Jones
Nov 24, 2018

Arlene Foster says she will step down as DUP leader and Northern Ireland’s first minister, after calls within her party for a leadership contest.
The DUP have some very controversial views, including not believing in climate change and some archaic thinking surrounding abortion, same-sex marriage, and same-sex parenting.
Here are some quotes that their politicians have actually said in recent years (seriously).
On creationism.
My view on the earth is that it's a young earth. My view is [it was created in] 4000 BC.
Edwin Poots, MLA for Lagan Valley, told Times columnist Mattew Parris in 2007.
He also told the Radio Times:
You’re telling me that cosmic balls of dust gathered and there was an explosion.
We’ve had lots of explosions in Northern Ireland and I’ve never seen anything come out of that that was good
Certainly not, and there are plenty of other people in this society who don't believe it either.
Mervyn Storey, former education minister when asked if he believed in Darwinism.
On blood donations.
I think that people who engage in high-risk sexual behaviour in general should be excluded from giving blood.
And so someone who has sex with somebody in Africa or sex with prostitutes, I am very reluctant about those people being able to give blood
Edwin Poots, MLA for Lagan Valley, on BBC Sunday Politics, 2012
On their own leader, Arlene Foster.
Her most important job is wife, mother and daughter.
Edwin Poots, MLA for Lagan Valley, BBC Radio Ulster, 12 January 2016
On same-sex marriage.
It is really astounding that David Trimble should have had a man such as this giving him advice – and must surely cast grave doubts on his own political judgement.
I think these sorts of relationships are immoral, offensive and obnoxious.
Ian Paisley Jr, who won the seat of North Antrim and son of the party's founder, on learning that David Trimble, the former first minister for Ireland, had a gay aide who just married his partner in Canada, in 2005.
I could not care less what people get up to in terms of their sexuality, that’s not a matter for me – when it becomes a matter for me is when people try to redefine marriage
The group's leader Arlene Foster, speaking in 2016.
On LGBT+ people.
I am pretty repulsed by gay and lesbianism. I think it is wrong. I think that those people harm themselves and – without caring about it – harm society. That doesn't mean to say that I hate them – I mean, I hate what they do.
Ian Paisley Jr, who won the seat of North Antrim and son of the party's founder, speaking to Ireland's Hot Press magazine in 2005.
It wasn’t Iris Robinson [his wife] who determined that homosexuality was an abomination, it was the Almighty.
Peter Robinson, former first minister for Northern Ireland, speaking to BBC Northern Ireland Hearts and Minds in 2008, defending his wife, Iris Robinson former MP for Strangford for calling homosexuality an 'abomination'.
I have a very lovely psychiatrist who works with me in my offices and his Christian background is that he tries to help homosexuals trying to turn away from what they are engaged in.
And I have met people who have turned around to become heterosexual.
Iris Robinson, former MP for Strangford, and wife of former First Minister for Northern Ireland, Peter Robinson, reacting to the news that a man had been assaulted because he was gay, in 2008.
There can be no viler act, apart from homosexuality and sodomy, than sexually abusing innocent children.
I cannot think of anything more sickening than a child being abused. It is comparable to the act of homosexuality. I think they are all comparable. I feel totally repulsed by both.
Iris Robinson, former MP for Strangford, and wife of former First Minister for Northern Ireland, Peter Robinson speaking in the House of Commons in 2008.
On Muslims.
I'll be quite honest, I wouldn't trust them in terms of those who have been involved in terrorist activities. I wouldn't trust them if they are devoted to Sharia Law. I wouldn't trust them for spiritual guidance. Would I trust them to go down to the shops for me, yes I would, would I trust them to do day-to-day activities... there is no reason why you wouldn't....Why are you so concerned about Muslims and not poor people like me?
Peter Robinson, former first minister for Northern Irealand speaking to the Irish News in 2014, where he supported a pastor who said in a sermon "Islam is heathen, Islam is satanic, Islam is a doctrine spawned in hell."
On same-sex parenting.
Envisage, down the road, a child going to primary school and being collected by two females or two males, and the bullying and abuse to which those children will be exposed; or going into their parents’ bedroom, as is natural for a child to do, and finding two women or two men making love?
I stand by my faith and the word of God that man was created in the image of God and that woman was created from the rib of Adam to be his helpmeet and companion. That is the natural progression of procreation.
The word of God says that procreation is through a man and a woman.
We are moving mountains to facilitate immorality and to bring the rights of lesbians above all others in this country.
It is a shame, and honourable Members ought to hang their heads in shame.
Iris Robinson,former MP for Strangford, speaking in the House of Commons in 2008.
The facts show that certainly you don't bring a child up in a homosexual relationship ... that a child is far more likely to be abused or neglected ... in a non-stable marriage.
Jim Wells, former deputy speaker of the Northern Irish Assembly, speaking at a hustings in 2015.
On abortion.
I would not want abortion to be as freely available here [Northern Ireland] as it is in England and don’t support the extension of the 1967 act
The group's leader Arlene Foster, speaking to the Guardian in 2016.
On climate change.
I don’t care about Co2 emissions to be quite truthful...I still think climate change is a manmade con.
Sammy Wilson, former MP for East Antrim, and former Northern Irish Assembly environment minister, who also said climate change campaigners views were a "hysterical pseudo-religion".
On Rihanna.
[She was in an] inappropriate state of undress....
..If someone wants to borrow my field and things become inappropriate, then I say, ‘Enough is enough’...
I felt Rihanna was in more of a state of undress than a bikini top...Everybody needs to be acquainted with God and to consider his son, the Lord Jesus Christ, and his death and Resurrection
Alan Graham, a DUP alderman for North Down Borough Council, in 2011 after giving permission to Rihanna to film her video in his wheat field.
(We hope he doesn't hear about the naughtiest thing Theres May did as a child then).
More: 5 terrifying facts about the party now propping up Theresa May

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