Narjas Zatat
Nov 09, 2016

Trevor Kavanagh, the former political editor of the Sun newspaper, correctly predicted that Scotland would remain in the UK, David Cameron’s success in the 2015 general election and the Brexit result.
Appearing on LBClast Thursday with Nick Ferrari, he also explained who he thought would win the US election.
And it wasn't pretty:
A foregone victory for Hillary Clinton only a week ago has now narrowed to possibly a Trump victory...I think it’s quite possible that we’ll see a narrow victory for Donald Trump.
It looks like Kavanagh is correct once more: the Republican presidential candidate is leading in the race, with 244 electoral college votes to Hillary Clinton’s 215 and has won a number of battleground states including Florida, Ohio and North Carolina. Experts are predicting a Republican victory, and if the results so far are anything to go by, that seems to be imminent.
A senior aide to Trump declared his victory ahead of official results based on early poll statistics.
Kavanagh also talked about his conversation with Nigel Farage about the similarities between a Trump win and Brexit
I was talking to Nigel Farage last night and he’s been over there five times in the last four weeks and he’s absolutely convinced that it’s going to be another Brexit. Indeed, Brexit has been used by Trump almost every speech – it’s the example he keeps setting as the result that will take everyone by surprise and it’s quite possible now with Florida moving in his direction that he could snatch victory at the last moment.
He went on to say that Donald Trump is ‘untried’ and politically uneducated, and his victory will cause consequent chaos nationwide.
The aftermath [of the results] are going to be almost as complicated as the campaign itself. How the American people are going to reconcile themselves with Donald Trump, who is untested and basically in terms of politics a completely uneducated candidate for the most powerful job in the world or a lame duck President Clinton…is extraordinary in every direction.
More: You can follow live updates of the election here.
More:A map of all the countries Donald Trump has offended
More:Pollsters put everyone at ease about Trump by reminding them that pollsters are often wrong
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