Greg Evans
Mar 21, 2019
In case you haven't noticed the entire country and political establishment is in complete disarray over Brexit but at least one person is trying to do something about it.
Whilst a handful of his followers are literally marching across the country for the sake of Brexit, Nigel Farage, residing in a comfortable and warm TV studio, decided to put the question to the nation one final time.
That's right Nigel Farage held another referendum on the UK's European Union membership last night...well, sort of.
During his appearance on ITV's politics show, Peston, Farage created a Twitter poll during one of the ad breaks and asked people what Brexit deal they would vote for if given the chance next week.
The options were: No-deal Brexit, Theresa May's deal, a second referendum or revoking Article 50.
Whilst we all know what side of the argument Farage stands on, he probably didn't bank on revoking Article 50 winning the poll, or it being so closely contested with no-deal, with the former winning by just four per cent.
Hmm...a poll on Brexit being decided by a narrow margin. Where have I heard that before?
Anyway, people were quick to point out the problem with Farage holding a poll on such an important issue which can only be voted on once.
Still, let's give Farage some credit as this isn't the first time that he has backed a second referendum.
More: Nigel Farage left speechless after radio caller 'wipes the floor' with him live on air

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