Narjas T. Zatat
Feb 18, 2016

Valentine's Day is supposed to be a day of delicious materialism, where presents are exchanged as easily as hearts, and all those rules taught by romantic comedies are promptly ignored.
City officials in a small Texas town had other ideas, when a flag baring the phrase “Love is for all" in Arabic was reported to Homeland Security.
The banner, which had been draped across the Citizens Tower in downtown Lubbock was spotted by workers the day after Valentines Day.
KCBD, a local news network, reported that Mayor Glen Robertson had sent a letter to City Manager James Loomis expressing concerns over the flag:
It has been brought to my attention that an Arabic flag has been hung from one of the upper floors of the Omni building. I am requesting that the flag be removed immediately, that we get an accurate translation of the flag, and that Chief Stevens notify the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, and our Lubbock County Sheriff's Department
He later released an additional statement to the public:
It is premature to come to conclusions before we can gather more facts but I believe we must take this situation seriously.
Since then a suspect is in custody and has been charged with trespassing.
It isn’t the first time that someone jumped the gun about a potential Isis flag. Last year CNN news reporter Lucy Pawle confused a flag depicting sex toys with one from the terror group during the annual Pride parade.
More: The man who created the 'Isis' dildo flag has finally spoken up
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