Louis Dor
Jun 25, 2016

Britain has spoken, and it wants out of the European Union.
Thursday's referendum triggered the resignation of the prime minister and could lead to breakup of the 'United' Kingdom - but it doesn't stop there.
Eurosceptic politicians overseas have jumped onto the EU result, launching their cases for their own countries' exits.
Here's a brief breakdown of the most likely candidates for a Grexit, Frexit or any other type of referenda:
National Front leader Marine Le Pen changed her Twitter picture briefly to a UK flag
She tweeted:
Victory for freedom. As I've been saying for years, we must now have the same referendum in France and other EU countries.
A poll of 20,000 recently placed Le Pen ahead of Nicolas Sarkozy and Francois Hollande.
Dutch anti-immigration politician Geert Wilders said that the Netherlands now deserved a "Nexit" following the British vote:
We want to be in charge of our own country, our own money, our own borders, and our own immigration policy.
As quickly as possible the Dutch need to get the opportunity to have their say about Dutch membership of the European Union.
Polling by the Pew Research Centre shows 46 per cent of Dutch people have an unfavourable view of the EU, while a recent survey in the country suggested as many as 54 per cent wanted a referendum.
This one's unsurprising, given Greece's bailout negotiations and fraught history with the European commission - and the fact that 71 per cent see the EU unfavourably.
Matteo Salvini, leader of the anti-immigration Northern League party in Italy, said in a tweet:
Hooray for the courage of free citizens! Heart, brains and pride defeated lies, threats and blackmail.
THANK YOU UK, now it's our turn.
Beatrix von Storch of Germany's AfD party, an anti-immigration group, called on European Parliament President Martin Schulz to resign alongside European Commission boss Jean-Claude Juncker, on what she dubbed "Independence Day for Great Britain".
According to the Pew Research Centre, 48 per cent of Germans see the EU unfavourably.
Finland's parliament was recalled following the Brexit vote and leaders of government parties met on Friday to discuss the result.
The former finance minister of the country, Alexander Stubb, dubbed the exit Europe's Lehman moment (a reference to the Lehman Brothers and the financial crash).
Other eurosceptic politicians said the EU must respect Britain's vote and avoid retaliation in future negotiations.
Demark's Kristian Thulesen Dahl, leader of the Danish People's Party said that a referendum in the country would be "a good democratic custom".
A recent survey showed that 40 per cent of Austrians want their own referendum on EU membership, while 38 per cent were in favour of an "Auxit".
Other countries
Eurosceptic politicians around the continent have jumped on the moment to lobby, and polling shows that some populations could definitely be persuaded.
It's all a bit terrifying, really.
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