The calendar nerds have done it - but the secret is spreading quickly so you'll have to act fast.
If you time your holiday booking right, you can get 18 days off work in a row while only booking nine days of holiday - that is if you're able to choose your dates.
If your employer doesn't allow you to choose dates or doesn't give you this much time - we're sorry.
However, if you can book when you please, we've got a trick for you.
This is due to the saviour of hungover Britons everywhere - bank holidays.
You'll need to book holiday from 18 April to 28 April - the rest of the holiday time will just add on magically.
Good Friday to Easter Monday occurs next year between 14 April and 17 April, and the May bank holiday occurs on 1 May.
This means you'll be off between 13 April and 2 May - only having used nine working weekdays holiday.
Now all that's left to do is book the holiday before everyone else reads this article and plan where you're going.
Good luck - soon it could be you enjoying this utter bliss.
Picture: David Ramos/Getty Images
HT Metro
More: The map of Europe according to who gets the most holiday