
Jordan Peterson embarrasses himself by raging over an obvious Aprils Fool's joke

Jordan Peterson embarrasses himself by raging over an obvious Aprils Fool's joke
Jordan Peterson questions what 'happens' means
Jordan Peterson

Jordan Peterson has gotten so wound up over Toronto bike lanes that he failed to realise it was an April Fool's gag.

The controversial Canadian psychologist launched into a mini Twitter rant on 1 April, where he reposted a story by Western Standardthat jokingly unveiled a $100 billion plan from Justin Trudeau.

The article suggested that Toronto will remove a lane of the TransCanada highway to replace it with a bike lane.

Blissfully unaware of the joke, Peterson took no time in taking a swipe at the "idiot country" and Trudeau, asking him if there was anything he wouldn't do.

He wrote: "This idiot country is sheathed in ice seven months of the year and the trans Canada highway (an underdeveloped national disgrace) is 5000 miles long. Is there nothing so stupid you won't do it @JustinTrudeau ?"

Awkwardly, the article explicitly told readers it was an April Fool's joke – and if the psychologist had read the article in full, he would've seen: "From of all us at the Western Standard, have a happy April Fools Day."

The tweet was also marked with a Twitter disclaimer, reading: "Readers added context they thought people might want to know. This is an April Fools Day joke."

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It comes after the psychologist weighed in on Elon Musk's sugar-fuelled breakfast.

The tech mogul responded to entrepreneur Peter Diamandis who took a swipe at sugar, calling it "poison."

"I eat a donut every morning," Musk quipped, "Still alive."

Peterson has since chimed in on the action to offer his take on Musk's not-so-nutritional meal.

"Slow poison," he wrote. "Vast majority over forty are diabetic by the standards applied to twenty-year olds @elonmusk. Probably and unfortunately you too."

Musk remained unphased by Peterson's response, saying: "I feel fine.”

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