
People are planning to poop in the Seine river in protest ahead of the Paris Olympics

People are planning to poop in the Seine river in protest ahead of the Paris Olympics
Paris mayor says the River Seine will be ready to swim in …
SNTV / VideoElephant

Parisians are threatening to poop in the River Seine in protest ahead of the 2024 Paris Olympics that is just weeks away.

Earlier this month, France’s President Emmanuel Macron vowed to swim in the river ahead of the games, along with Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo, to prove it’s safe after the government spent almost £1.5 billion cleaning it up.

But, with little over a month to go before Olympians are due to swim in the water, tests on the river are still showing high levels of bacteria from waste and sewage – and Parisians are fed up.

In response to the dirty water, a mass protest was garnered to make the water even dirtier by encouraging Parisians to poo in the river.

A website has popped up using the hashtag #JeChieDansLaSeineLe23Juin – this translates to, “I s**t in the Seine on June 23”.

The website explained: “Because after putting us in shit it’s up to them (Macron and Hidalgo) to bathe in our shit.”

The anonymous creator of the website told Parisian news outlet ActuParis: “At the beginning, the objective was to make a joke, by bouncing off this ironic hashtag. In the end, are people really going to go s**t in the Seine, or set up militant actions? Nothing is excluded.”

Triathletes at the Olympic games are due to complete the swimming leg of the race in the Seine river, but there are ongoing fears about the water quality and the impact it could have on their health.

The games’ president Tony Estanguethas previously acknowledged that the triathlon swim could be cancelled or delayed due to the water’s condition.

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