
Just Stop Oil target 'Taylor Swift' in latest stunt

Just Stop Oil target 'Taylor Swift' in latest stunt

Just Stop Oil spray private jets orange

Just Stop Oil

Protest group Just Stop Oil have set Taylor Swift in their sights after their latest stunt targeted the airfield where they believed the singer’s private jet was stationed.

The climate activist group has hit the headlines in recent years over their disruptive protests against the use of fossil fuels. Yesterday, two protestors were arrested after throwing orange-coloured powder paint over part of Stonehenge.

And, it seems their stunts show no sign of stopping, after two Just Stop Oil activists broke into a VIP airfield at Stansted Airport in the early hours of Thursday (20 June) and covered private jets in orange spray paint.

In a post on their X/Twitter page, the group explained that at around 5am, two activists named Jennifer and Cole cut the fence and broke into the private airfield “where [Taylor Swift’s] jet is parked”, as the singer is in the country for her UK leg of the Era’s Tour.

Footage showed the activists using power tools to cut through a fence and proceeding to use what appear to be fire extinguishers filled with orange paint to cover parked private jets.

A statement issued by Stansted Airport confirmed: “Shortly after 5am, Essex Police arrested two protesters who had entered the private aviation area of the airfield, away from the runway and main passenger terminal.”

However, subsequent reports suggest the singer’s jet was not stationed at the private airfield at the time of the stunt.

Just Stop Oil said it was “demanding an emergency treaty to end fossil fuels by 2030” and it appears this protest has been much more well-received than the target of the Stonehenge monument the previous day.

“Fair play, I criticised them yesterday so should point out this is an eminently justifiable target for a protest,” one person argued.

Another wrote: “That’s more like it!”

Someone else pointed out: “Much more valid target, but f**king hell, Stansted has some big questions to answer about security now.”

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