
Rockstar's 'huge' GTA Online summer update is live - everything you need to know

Rockstar's 'huge' GTA Online summer update is live - everything you need to know
GTA 5 officially sells more than 200 million copies
Cover Media - Gaming / VideoElephant

Rockstar Games' "huge" summer update for GTA Online, called Bottom Dollar Bounties, is now live and the studio has shared more information of what players can expect.

The developers recently shared details of the story in the "action-packed" update and have further developed on what happens.

Rockstar's latest synopsis says: "After a dedicated career tracking down the state's most wanted, notorious bounty hunter Maude Eccles is hanging up her cuffs and offering a golden opportunity to those with a burning passion for justice in GTA Online: Bottom Dollar Bounties.

"As the new lead dog for Bottom Dollar Bail Enforcement, link up with the junior assistant bounty hunter in training - Maude's daughter Jenette - to run this clean-up crew, taking down an assortment of valuable targets, including some of Southern San Andreas' Most Wanted.

"Become just the type of agent of justice the state needs by tracking down and hauling in these dangerous miscreants - utilising everything from ruthless intimidation tactics to thwarting further criminal activity - in the latest action-packed addition to GTA Online."

After Maude makes contact, players visit Maze Bank Foreclosures to choose where to have a Bottom Dollar Bail Enforcement Office.

The office can have one of three different styles and two extra staff members can be employed to help make things more efficient.

Each office includes a Bail Enforcement System computer that lists available targets to choose from: three Standard Targets and one Most Wanted Target.

Standard Targets can be completed at any time but only one Most Wanted Target can be completed each day - these include CEOs, movie stars, legendary street racers and the like.

There's also a holding cell, CCTV access, a safe, a gun locker and a garage with space for two personal vehicles along with the Bottom Dollar-branded Bail Enforcement van used for moving criminals, with armour plating for this van available too.

GTA Online: Bottom Dollar Bounties Out

LSPD officer Vincent Effenburger also needs help in new off-the-books Dispatch Work.

Rockstar's synopsis for this says: "Vincent's become frustrated recently by the LSPD's corruption and he's not above asking for help."

There are a number of new law enforcement vehicles, drift tunings updates and new tools and props in the Creator as well.

GTA+ members, Rockstar's premium subscription service, have new benefits too including the Vinewood Club phone app, a free supercar that's exclusively available this week and more.

There are loads of new vehicles available to all too; a number of activities have been given a boost in GTA$ payouts.

Rockstar has said there will be more updates to GTA Online through the year.

The studio teased: "If you enjoy hunting down targets, Martin Madrazo will also need help later this summer tracking down and taking out Daily Bounties.

"You'll also be able to hop on a Pegassi Pizza Boy scooter and help Pizza This... deliver piping hot pies around Los Santos.

"And look forward to more explosive gameplay and events, including Independence Day, a Halloween trip to North Yankton's Ludendorff Cemetery, an exciting new multi-stage head-to-head mode, a new community Heist Challenge, and more."

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