
Melania Trump says social media is 'destructive and harmful' and everyone thinks she's trolling her husband

Spencer Platt/ Getty Images

Melania Trump has launched a campaign against cyberbullying.

America’s first lady addressed an annual cyberbullying prevention summit hosted by the federal Health Resources and Services Administration in Rockville, Maryland.

She said:

Let's face it: Most children are more aware of the benefits and pitfalls of social media than some adults, but we still need to do all we can to provide them with information and tools for successful and safe online habits.

"[Social media] can be used in many positive ways, but can also be destructive and harmful when used incorrectly," she added.

Uh, does she know who she’s married to?

Donald Trump has compelled journalists to put his tweets on notification so they don’t miss the angry attacks he unloads on everyone; on his political opponents, on his own secret service, on journalism, on news…

No stone goes untouched in the US president’s social media storms.

Most recently, Trump called the former CIA director John Brennan a "political hack".

The US president recently called former aide Omarosa Manigault Newman, the only African-American to serve in a senior role in his White House, a ‘dog’.

When you give a crazed, crying lowlife a break, and give her a job at the White House, I guess it just didn’t work out. Good work by General Kelly for quickly firing that dog!

He has repeatedly levelled attacks against protestors, NFL players taking the knee, women, actors (he said Robert De Niro had a ‘low IQ’), Hilary Clinton…the list goes dreadfully on.

In fact, since taking office, Trump has directly attacked 97 people on Twitter, mentioned ‘fake news’ in some manner 252 days out of 574 and mentioned 'witch hunt’ 113 times since Comey was fired in May 9 2017, according to figures gathered by CNN.

With such statistics, either Melania is having one hell of an ‘awkward turtle’ moment, or she’s literally the best troll in the world.

Is Melania the mother of all trolling or is she oblivious?

People can't decide.

Perhaps we're the ones she's trolling...

The first lady didn't mention her husband, and many are accusing her of lacking credibility.

Others don't think it's trolling or ignorance - they're calling it blatant hypocrisy.

Asked about the critics, Stephanie Grisham, her communications director told NPR via text message:

She's said before that she is aware of the criticism, but it won't deter her from doing what she thinks is right.

More: Donald Trump blocked a 'cat' on Twitter. Yes, really

More:Trump accused social media of 'discrimination' of conservative voices. The internet reacted accordingly

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